Table. 1.

Characteristics of the organ transplantation coordinators

Characteristic Value (n=107)
Age (yr) 39.29±7.50 (25–59)
≤29 9 (8.4)
30–39 44 (41.1)
40–49 46 (43.0)
≥50 8 (7.5)
Sex -
Female 104 (97.2)
Male 3 (2.8)
College/University 64 (60.4)
Postgraduate 42 (39.6)
Data not available 1 (0.9)
Career length of coordinator (yr)
<3 32 (29.9)
3–5 25 (23.4)
6–9 19 (17.8)
≥10 31 (29.0)
No. of hospital beds
<700 13 (12.1)
≥700 94 (87.9)
Type of workplace
HOPO 70 (65.4)
Transplant medical institution (contracting agency) 37 (34.6)
Type of job
Concurrent position 20 (18.7)
Exclusive position 87 (81.3)
No. of coworkers 3.47±2.44 (1–10)
1 20 (18.7)
2 39 (36.4)
3–5 17 (15.9)
6–10 31 (29.0)
Zone 1 72 (67.3)
Zone 2 11 (10.3)
Zone 3 24 (22.4)
Satisfaction with salary
Satisfaction 15 (14.0)
Average 44 (41.1)
Insufficient/very insufficient 48 (44.9)
Main task
Transplantation 45 (42.1)
Brain death management 4 (3.7)
Transplantation and brain death management 58 (54.2)
Total number of transplants (per year)
<10 21 (19.6)
11–20 13 (12.1)
21–29 19 (17.8)
≥30 54 (50.5)
Total number of transplant organs within the scope of the coordinator’s responsibility
1 34 (33.7)
2 40 (39.6)
3–5 27 (26.7)
Data not available 6 (5.6)

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation or number (%).

HOPO, hospital-based organ procurement organization.

a)Zone 1: Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Jeju. Zone 2: Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do. Zone 3: Gyeongsang-do.

Clin Transplant Res 2024;38:222~234