Table. 2.

Degree of criticality, difficulty, and frequency of each duty and task (n=107)

Duty/task Criticality Difficulty Frequency
Total 3.74±0.25 2.91±0.44 2.08±0.55
A. Recipient management 3.76±0.24 2.83±0.49 2.50±0.58
A1. Pretransplant management 3.81±0.23 2.83±0.48 2.52±0.67
A2. Posttransplant management 3.65±0.37 2.76±0.55 2.46±0.70
A3. Waiting list management 3.79±0.30 2.82±0.54 2.57±0.63
A4. Coordination of organ recovery 3.86±0.34 3.06±0.83 2.26±0.88
B. Donor management 3.83±0.23 2.90±0.54 1.99±0.77
B1. Living donor pretransplant
3.84±0.26 2.84±0.59 2.45±0.79
B2. Living donor posttransplant management 3.73±0.40 2.71±0.61 2.23±0.88
B3. Brain death donor determine and transfer 3.88±0.23 2.99±0.61 1.80±0.84
B4. Process of confirmation of brain 3.82±0.36 2.97±0.62 1.78±1.06
B5. Organ Procurement process 3.76±0.38 2.81±0.61 1.67±0.98
B6. Management after organ procurement 3.76±0.37 2.78±0.68 1.48±1.08
C. Organ donation activation management 3.50±0.58 2.95±0.62 1.50±0.75
C1. Public information and education 3.50±0.58 2.95±0.62 1.50±0.75
D. Organ transplantation administration 3.67±0.42 2.98±0.51 2.06±0.71
D1. Data management 3.65±0.49 2.55±0.59 2.41±0.77
D2. Administration process management 3.69±0.42 3.28±0.56 1.81±0.87
E. Professional capability development 3.40±0.55 3.00±0.54 1.76±0.69
E1. Research, education, self‐development 3.40±0.55 3.00±0.54 1.76±0.69

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.

Clin Transplant Res 2024;38:222~234