Table. 3.

Selected outstanding animal studies representing milestones in the progress of transplantation

Study Animal model Description
Immune-mediated allograft injury
Miyawaki et al. (1994) [50] Aly/aly mouse model Recognition of the role of secondary lymphoid organs in acute cellular rejection
Lechler and Batchelor (1982) [56] ASXAUG to AS rat model Dendritic cells play a crucial role in presenting alloantigens
Nozaki et al. (2007) [70] CCR5(–/–) mouse model Antibodies generated in CCR5(–/–) mouse models directly trigger graft rejection
White et al. (1969) [86] Fischer-Lewis rat model Chronic allograft nephropathy was effectively demonstrated, enabling further investigation into therapeutic strategies
Immunosuppression and tolerance induction
Owen (1945) [157] Dizygotic twin freemartin cattle model Discovery of lifelong hematopoietic chimerism
Calne (1960) [121] Canine model Prevention of renal allograft rejection by 6-mercaptopurine
Borel et al. (1976) [2] Mouse and rat models The immunosuppressive properties of cyclosporine A were examined
Kung et al. (1979) [134] Mouse model Monoclonal murine antibodies generated against human T cell receptors were screened
Shahinian et al. (1993) [178] CD28(–/–) mouse model Impaired T cell activation was observed in mice deficient in B7/CD28 costimulation
Lai et al. (2002) [215] GTKO porcine model GTKO were produced to evade hyperacute rejection in pig-to-human xenotransplants

GTKO, α-(1,3)-galactosyltransferase knockout pigs.

Clin Transplant Res 2024;38:354~376