Table. 4.

General characteristics of the studies included in the scoping review

Characteristic n=77 (%)
Publication year
<2000 3 (3.90)
2000–2004 2 (2.60)
2005–2009 1 (1.30)
2010–2014 22 (28.57)
2015–2019 26 (33.77)
2020–2023 23 (29.87)
Publication type
Journal article 69 (89.61)
Conference proceedings with full paper 5 (6.49)
Thesis dissertation 3 (3.90)
Study design
Observational 13 (16.88)
Descriptive analysis (surveys) 60 (77.92)
Expert opinion 4 (5.19)
Questionnaire 56 (72.73)
Content/document analysis 8 (10.39)
Focus group discussion 2 (2.60)
Interview/in-depth interview 5 (6.49)
Retrospective data collection 5 (6.49)
Comparative analysis 3 (3.90)
Randomized controlled trial 1 (1.30)

a)Some studies used more than one methodology.

Clin Transplant Res 2024;38:163~187