Table. 2.

Kidney biopsy-based histologic classifications of polyomavirus nephropathy

Classification scheme Banff ti Banff IFTA TC cytopathic changes (%)a) Banff ci pvlb)
Class A 0 0 1–25 - -
Class B1 1 0 11–25 - -
Class B2 2 1 26–50 - -
Class B3 3 2 >50 - -
Class C 0–3 3 1 to >50 - -
Class 1 - - - 0, 1 1
Class 2 - - - 2, 3 1
Class 2 - - - 0–3 2
Class 2 - - - 0, 1 3
Class 3 - - - 2, 3 3

Banff ti: 0, 0–9%; 1, 10%–25%; 2, 26%–50%; 3, >50%. Banff IFTA: 0, 0–9%; 1, 10%–25%; 2, 26%–50%; 3, >50%. Banff ci: 0, 0–9%; 1, 10%–25%; 2, 26%–50%; 3, >50%. pvl: 1, ≤1%; 2, >1%–10%; 3, >10%.

AST-IDCOP, American Society of Transplantation Infectious Disease Community of Practice; ti, total interstitial inflammation; IFTA, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy; ci, interstitial fibrosis; TC, tubular cell; pvl, polyomavirus load.

a)Percentage of parenchyma with any intensity of tubular cell viral cytopathic changes; b)Percentage of tubules/collecting ducts with any extent of staining for simian virus 40 large T antigen by immunohistochemistry; viral cytopathic changes are not required.

Clin Transplant Res 2024;38:71~89