Table. 1.

Peritransplant profiles and survival outcomes of young adult patients who underwent liver transplantation for biliary atresia

Case No. Recipient sex Recipient age at LT (yr) Age at KPE (mo) Cause of LT VB HE MELD score CTP score Platelet count (103/mL) TB (mg/dL) Alb (g/dL) Cr (mg/dL) PT INR Graft type Donor sex Donor age (yr) Graft weight (g) GRWR Recipient survival period (mo)
1 M 18 3 PH N Y 24 13 179 21.0 1.7 0.40 2.46 WL M 30 1,420 2.11 158
2 F 19 1 PH Y N 15 10 47 5.6 2.3 0.33 1.22 ELL M 46 415 0.92 87
3 M 22 3 IC N N 12 8 368 3.9 3.7 0.71 0.96 MRL M 23 1,060 1.31 73
4 M 20 2 PH Y N 8 6 59 0.8 4.1 0.71 1.10 MRL M 21 830 1.36 68
5 F 20 1 PH N N 20 9 31 5.0 2.4 0.31 1.90 WL M 66 1,400 1.73 61
6 M 33 3 PH Y N 19 9 73 15.0 2.2 0.63 1.33 MRL M 25 823 1.37 42
7 F 22 2 IC N N 9 9 158 4.1 2.6 0.45 1.05 MRL M 27 735 1.17 34
Mean M=4, F=3 22.0±5.1 2.1±0.9 PH=5, IC=2 Y=3, N=4 Y=1, N=6 15.3±6.0 9.1±2.1 130.7±118.9 7.91±7.22 2.71±0.86 0.51±0.17 1.43±0.55 MRL=4, ELL=1, WL=2 M=7 34.0±16.4 954.7±364.8 1.42±0.39 74.7±40.9

LT, liver transplantation; KPE, Kasai portoenterostomy; VB, variceal bleeding; HE, hepatic encephalopathy; MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; CTP, Child-Turcotte-Pugh; TB, total bilirubin; Alb, albumin; Cr, creatinine; PT, prothrombin time; INR, international normalized ratio; GRWR, graft-to-recipient weight ratio; PH, portal hypertension; IC, intractable cholangitis; N, no; Y, yes; WL, whole liver; ELL, extended left liver; MRL, modified right liver.

Korean J Transplant 2021;35:177~182