Table. 2.

Annual numbers of minor living donors for liver transplantation in Korea

Year Korea Asan Medical Center Proportiona) (%)

16 yr 17 yr 18 yr Subtotal
2010 71 9 9 10 28 39.4
2011 71 10 6 12 28 39.4
2012 79 10 16 17 43 54.4
2013 73 11 14 10 35 47.9
2014 49 5 11 10 26 53.1
2015 59 6 7 11 24 40.7
2016 57 7 8 10 25 43.9
2017 62 11 8 20 39 62.9
2018 40 5 4 5 14 35.0
2019 29 1 8 5 14 48.3
Total 590 75 91 110 276 46.8

a)Ratio of the number of minor donors in the Asan Medical Center database to those in the nationwide Korean Network for Organ Sharing database.

Korean J Transplant 2021;35:161~167